Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall in the UC

My favorite time of year in Utah is fall- the cool temperatures, the smell in the air, the beautiful mountains with changing colors, holidays drawing near, etc. Monday night we went up American Fork canyon to look at the fall foliage. Our outing was brief because it was chilly already at 4:45 but none-the less enjoyable. The canyon is 15 minutes from our house which is just another reason to love Utah. You'll see in the photos we had to take the stupid stroller because Murphy still won't be happy in the baby bjorn carrier, I hope that changes soon.

And on a side note, M went for his 2 month check up and was a very brave boy getting his shots today. I did not like that. He weighs 11.6 and is 23 inches long and is just perfect for us, right in the middle of the pack at the 50% percentile.


Sandra said...

Murphy is so bloody cute! (Not a swear word here so I can use it eh?) Loved the photos lady, and I'm glad you didn't pass M off to the scary lady, come on, you just don't offer those kinds of things anymore. What was she thinking if she really meant well.

Christy said...

Oh he's just such a cute little guy! It's so nice to have that beautiful canyon just up the road, aint it?