There is no photo to accompany this entry, nor did we lose Murphy to a baby-snatcher, but this weekend we came face to face with the likes of one:).
Since it was super rainy all weekend, we found ourselves at the mall on Saturday with the rest of the rif-raf of the city. M needed his diaper changed and what better place to do this, than the women's lounge at the Nordstrom. I was changing his diaper when this nice lady asked if I'd like her to hold M while I use the restroom. I was not dancing up and down giving the impression that I needed to use the restroom, so I politely declined her offer. She cooed at how cute M was and wanted to know how old he was etc. I finished up and met Matt at the cafe and recounted the story to him. I asked him what his answer would be if someone offered to hold Murphy while he used the restroom. "Heaven's no (I don't think heaven's was used) I wouldn't give him to a stranger and you, definitely not. That women wanted you to get in a stall, behind closed doors, with your pants down and then take off with the baby. Can't run very fast with your pants down, can you?!" Lucky to know that Matt will not be handing off our baby to strangers, nor will I. And truth be told the lady at Nordy's was probably just a really nice person but unfortunately too many other weirdos have ruined the idea that some people just are genuinely nice.