M is really moving with his little scooter- inside and out. The day has also come (and i knew it would) when M thinks it's hilarious to feed the dog from his hand. Dropping items on the floor just won't do, hand feeding is better.
H had his surgery today and all went well. He has 12 stiches on the deepest layer of skin and 19 staples on the top layer. It makes me feel a bit sad as he knows i'm the one who took him in. i'm the bad mom when i have to clean Murphy's nose and i'm the bad mom who takes puppy in for surgery. I hate that. The mass has been sent to the lab just to make sure there is nothing else to be concerned with. I'm also happy to report that i escaped the visit financially under four figures (did i say that- you know that i'd spend just about any amount of money for that silly dog- but it's a tough swallow).
I suffered through 20 miles last weekend and will do it again this weekend, one more time before the race. What i've learned from this training session is that i'd like to write a book of all the thoughts that go through runner's minds as they are running for 3+ hours. it would be a mix of comedy oneliners and profanities.
What a great swing!! Notice Utah Lake and Mtn. Timpanogos in the background.
busted. notice the drool that a cheddar goldfish will cause
cutest outfit ever, Bentley Anne sent for Murphy's b-day
yikes. those are in there for 2 weeks.
I'm glad Harris is ok. Does he need his friend to come visit him? Maybe bring some doggie treats?
No cone head for Harris? Lucky guy if so. My bro-in-laws hunting dog just had a grapefruit sized tumor removed as well and the poor guy was sporting the cone for a week or so after. Not fun. I did notice the drool, but also how well M has him trained. H was sitting so patiently waiting for his goldfish. Nice work M.
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