Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I wish i could dance!

It's one of those things that I would do over as a kid...there are not many of those things on my list, but I wish i could dance, which is why it was so much fun on Tuesday attending the So You Think You Can Dance tour making a stop in Salt Lake City. I realize I'm 33 years old and that the crowd we were with was similar to what you'd see at a Hannah Montana concert, we didn't care and loved every minute... all 3 hours...kudos to Mr. Mom, Matt who watched M for 6 hours. I didn't roll in until 11:15, I'm too old for that hour of the night, especially when I see 2am and 6am.


Nicole said...

So was I the only one that went home and tried to do some of the moves in the privacy of my own bedroom? Great pictures! I am going to have to steal them and put them on my blog. The one of Katie and Josh turned our real nice!

That was so much fun, I loved hanging out with the ladies! We need to get together more often.

fancy nancy said...

so sad i missed it. i'm sure it was definitely worth it. nicole--i didn't even go and i still practice dance moves in my room!