Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cuter each day!

Grandma Dunn and Great Grandma Turner are in Salt Lake visiting and enjoying time with Murphy. We love having extra hands around to help! Murphy had his 2 week visit and is back at birth weight 7.6 and has grown an inch and half. Each day he makes new faces, is more alert and more HUNGRY. He is also discovering his thumbs as soothing outlets and rolled over by himself for the first time. He is super busy and strong.


Tennille said...

Just saw your comment on my post. So sorry you're having a rough time with breastfeeding. Please don't hesitate to give me a call if you need to talk through any of this!

Melissa said...

Such cute new photo's.Love all of them.Thanks ! \(^-^)/

Jeanne said...

Oh Man, I cannot wait to see him in the flesh. I am addicted to this site, jones-en for new photos. Thanks for suppling me with my baby fix.

Hang in there with the feeding, it might not seem like it ever will but it DOES get easier. If he is back to birth weight and growing you must be doing something right! If moms milk doesn't work out don't beat yourself up about it either. It's not the end of the world to be fed formula. In fact it allows all the other people in his life to have a chance to cuddle with him as well.
No one could ever describe how you feel about this little person could they? I am so glad you two get to experience the rush of being a parent!

Terri Edwards said...

he's such a little dunn! love him!